I detest four o'clocks.
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I detest four o'clocks.
Thank you, Amy Bates.I love my cover!
received a little reminder in the mail this week.
I think it's true. Do you?
Have a good weekend!
My husband's late sister, Lena Faye used to say "If you don't want something told, don't tell me." I have two secrets. One I let slip a few times, only because I didn't realize it was a secret. But now I do and I won't tell another soul until it's time. The other I was told today. And I haven't shared it. Cross my heart, I haven't. I won't until my friend says I can. And when I finally get to, I'll tell those secrets to you.
Secrets can be a wonderful storytelling tool. When I go to schools, I tell kids don't talk out your stories or you'll never write them. Pretend the paper is your best friend and you're telling that friend a secret.
this is my Friday morning mug.
Have a good weekend!
I'm training to walk a half-marathon. In case you're wondering, that's 13.1 miles. The most I'd ever walked before was six miles. I figured if I could ever reach mile seven, I'd be certain to reach mile thirteen. Saturday I walked seven miles. Now how do I feel about that assumption? Seven miles is not 13.1 miles.
Finishing a novel is not so different than trying to finish a half-marathon. You start off with a big idea and much like a first short training session, your enthusiasm carries you for a while. It might last for a paragraph or a few chapters, but eventually the joy of the process turns into dread. You wonder what was so great about that original idea.
At risk of sounding like a Nike ad, this is where the tough get going. Stick with your story. How? Show up. Grab your pen. Move it around the page until your squiggles become words. They may not be the words you'll end up using, but soon the right words will be there. Just because you showed up.
It's always great when someone receives a well-deserved honor. Congratulations, Erin Shaw of Greenbrier Middle School for receiving Arkansas Media Specialist of the Year! You are amazing!
Read all about it here.
I think you're special. Have a victorious school year!
Do you ever look around the house at your things? There are stories there. Some are true. Some can inspire a story that sounds true. Here's a true one about friendship. It has to do with the floral needlework on a bookshelf in our home library.
The talented Lola Schaefer gave it to me years ago when I read one of her manuscripts. Having the honor of reading her manuscript was enough of a gift, but Lola said her mother had done a lot of needlework when she was alive. She wanted to start giving away some of those pieces to special friends. Now it's one of my treasures.
If there is anything living at the Dandy Lizard Cottage has taught me, it is to not underestimate the power of taking a little break. Good things can come to creative people by staring out from the front porch.
Georgy-Girl knows this, too.